Online Complaint Form

Please fill out our secure online complaint form below to make a complaint to our office.Is the issue you want to complain about urgent? Urgent means an immediate risk to shelter, food security,health or physical safety. If your complaint is urgent, please call us at 506-459-6341

Contact Information

A pronoun is a word used to refer to you in the third person (for example, they, she, he). We invite you to provide your pronouns so that we deliver our services in a way that is inclusive and safe for all people.
Email Communications will be directed to the ISET Program Manager
Please provide us with a phone number we can use to contact you during business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm, excluding statutory holidays).
How do you prefer we contact you?
We will do our best to accommodate your preferred method of contact. However, we may need to communicate with you by other methods to get the information we need to assist with your complaint.

What else do we need to know about contacting you?

This might include:
  • International phone numbers or a number where we can leave a voice mail
  • You have a representative (such as an advocate, Elder or support person) assisting you with your complaint
  • You are the legal representative for the person aggrieved by the public organization you are complaining about (please attach your legal authority, e.g., power of attorney, representation agreement, committee ship order)
  • Any other special considerations or requests.

Description of the complaint

Have you tried to resolve your complaint with the organization directly?(Required)
Please include, if possible, names, titles and contact information for the main people you have dealt with at the organization(s), and the dates you have been in contact with them.
Please tell us what outcome you're seeking.